What we do

Sales productivity improvements.

Good to great.

Improve your sales productivity with confidence.

Measure, benchmark, baseline and continuously improve sales people and performance.

The success or failure of sales people has a direct bearing on the company's revenue. Whether the team is meeting or exceeding quota's, time the new hire is taking to close the first deal or average deal size are some of many levers being used to measure sales productivity. We execute specific sales productivity improvement solutions to pinpoint the underlying reasons, chart out remedial actions and process to implement change and measure results.

Our approach is to work closely with the executive leadership, sales management and field sales force to get a triangulated view of the task at hand. We then work to find out internal bright spots or change agents and find out internally tested solutions to the problems. These solutions are supplemented and augmented by our insights, best practices and training inputs to have a measurable impact. A programmatic approach is followed to have repeatable results. Having worked with global sales leaders we have found following key ingredients of any succesfull productivity driven organization-

  • Sales strategy aligned to corporate strategy.
  • Clearly defined sales metrices and their measurement.
  • Defined sales process and aligned methodology.
  • Performance driven culture with strong focus on coaching from sales management.
  • Hire nothing but the best sales guys who are driven and self motivated.
  • Compensation structure that rewards exceptional performance exceptionally.